Fariba Kazemi
is a storywriter and storyteller living in Toronto, Ontario. She founded Noor House in 2008 in order to encourage critical thinking and investigation of Islamic concepts in young minds. Noor House is a non–profit organization dedicated to teaching Islam to children and adolescents.

For years Fariba tried using different resources for teaching core Islamic values. In 2015 she established a creative and attractive method of teaching Islam that would better impress new generations. She called this method TIBS: Teaching Islam Based on Stories.  Using the TIBS method, she indirectly conveys the concepts of various surahs of the Quran to readers through a modern short or long story.

In 2021, she began publishing her books under the name Noor House Publications. These books will be available worldwide to those who are looking for an attractive, unique and fun way of understanding Islam’s core of beliefs.



Noor House Blog

Zaki’s Mom

(Student for three years, age8) – 2023

My son joined Noor House Courses three years ago, when he was five. Over these three years, Mrs. Kazemi has explained many heavy concepts through engaging, fresh stories. Her dedication is commendable; nothing from illness to travel has stopped her from holding classes. She always receives each child with care and a warm smile. My children adore her and look forward to each class.

Tasnim’s Mom

(Student for 2 years, age6) – 2023

Mrs. Kazemi tactfully conveys key concepts from the Quran that are otherwise hard to grasp by children. She creatively weaves stories and delivers them with puppetry, which is quite amusing. Noor House courses have been a success with my children as they still talk about Mrs. Kazemi’s stories from two years ago.

Ms. Faranak

When we came to Canada, my biggest fear was my son and his beliefs. After I met Noor House and Islamic classes started, that was a light of the merciful God and it continues to shine after 16 years. Now I am grateful. I wish for success and prosperity for Noor House and its students.


Student for 5 years

I have never walked in an atmosphere where I felt more accepted or welcomed. I have gained an endless amount of knowledge and more importantly I have met many who have changed my life by entering it. The people of Noor House are my family; they’re people that I know will be there with me through the ups and downs, tears and laughters. From these people I have learned control, respect, responsibility, and love. They are people I shall cherish for the rest of my life. My amazing teachers who have taught me life lessons that will help me in the hard times.


Student for 8 years

 I really enjoyed learning about Islam and the teachings of the Prophet and his family. I felt closer to God after these classes and wanted to become a better servant for Allah (swt) as well as a better daughter and friend


Student for 8 years

I can honestly say Noor House has been one of my biggest sources of guidance and education. Noor House has helped me significantly in my journey to understand my faith and apply it to my daily life.

